Day 11: Storify

Storify is an online social media aggregator. You can collect posts on a particular topic from a variety of sources (i.e. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Getty Images, Flickr, Instagram, Google and Google+) and turn them into a story, or Storify them!

Simply enter your search term in the box, select which media streams you are interested in, and Storify will trawl the internet for references to your chosen topic.

You can choose which posts to include and which to exclude, and change the order if that’s appropriate.

I’ve used Storify to capture events based on Twitter hashtags.

Click the following images to see some examples:

DigiFest 2015

DigiFest 2015


LTA Conference 2015

LTA Conference 2015



Ten Days of Twitter – online course


Today’s Christmas quiz

This incredible piece of art was created around 1500 and went missing for 300 years – John Ruskin was a big fan, and was involved in the naming of the piece.

click here

 Yesterday’s answer:

Ah, Father Ted getting caught in a compromising situation, lost in the ladies department on a Christmas shopping trip.